Prefecture   ATTIKI

                                          FRIENDS OF THE FOREST UNION OF ATHENS

   Date of Initial Completion: 16/7/1996                1st Update: 27/2/1998             2nd Update (CHAP.I):  6/12/1999

                                                             Date of Last Update: 3/4/2001



I. Identity of Organisation

The Organisation is a member of the: Europa Nostra (Holland)


ATHENS Postal Code 105 69 Street:  4, DRAGATSANIOU STR.

Tel. 210-3229163 Fax 210-3230966

Contact Persons: MICHALIS MELAS, VALIAS MICHAIL Tel. 210-3229163

Legal Status

Today the Organisation is Association - Union since 1979

Initially the Organisation was Association - Union since 1945


Protecting nature, environment, generally Greek landscape and preserving its special feature / protecting natural,

historical and any kind of monument and traditional houses

The eternal protection and conservation of the Holy Monastery and of the aesthetic forest of Kaisarianis and also

of Imitos forest

Members and Friends

With voting right: 300 Without voting right: 800

Material Substructure

Office: Rented, Operating days: Daily,  Operating hours: 8.00-14.00

There are databases in Paper its morph and structure is Thematic

Vehicles: Private car, military track for the daily transportation of the workers from 7.00-15.00

The payble members of the organisation are: 3 persons

For the organisation are offering voluntary work: 15 persons.

Administrative board

Melas Michail                                                    President

Tsala Eleni                                                        Vice President

Kariotis Kostas                                                  Vice President

Zobanaki Emilia                                                Special Secretary

Aggelidaki-Kallerghi Irini                                    Special Secretary

Levi Eleonora                                                    Treasurer

Argiropoulou Irini                                              Member

Manouilidou Valentini                                         Member

Vlachou - Spiridonos Alexandros                        Member

Kalligas Pavlos                                                  Member

Sgoutas Vasileios                                              Member

Ramfou Irini                                                     Member

Kostouros Ioannis                                             Member

Zalokostas Evgenios                                          Member

Papantoniou Athanasia                                      Member

II. Activities

General Issue: Culture

Issue-Topic: Excavations and restorations

From: 1950  To: 1960                                               Range:  Local

Activities - Results:

Restoration of the Kaisariani and Ag. Ioannis monastery.

Excavation of the Olympiou Dios area and smartening up of the surrounding area.

Awarding by the EU of the Kaisariani garden and forest with a prize a price. This initiative falls within the scope of the

protections and promotion of the European Architectural Inheritance project (1993).

General Issue: Information and sensitisation of the public

Issue-Topic: Information

From: 1970  To: 1998                                               Range:  Regional

Activities - Results:

Publication of a quarterly magazine entitled 'Nature and Life' (1970-1998)

General Issue: Protection of nature

Issue-Topic: Planting, maintenance and protection against fires.

From: 1945  To: 1998                                               Range:  National

Activities - Results:

Consequent forest amelioration and protection works

Undertaking of initiatives and actions for the protection and promotion of the Lesvos fossilized forest and for the

establishment of a paleontological museum (Sigri).

Issue-Topic: Reforestation schemes

From: 1945  To: 1998                                               Range:  National

Activities - Results:

Tree planting, maintenance of green based on a field work schedule.

Creation and maintenance of seedbeds for forest and sweet-smelling plants, which were used at the Kaisariani

monastery surrounding areas.

Reforestation at the aesthetic forests of Kaisariani, Attica and Chios.

III. Source of Information

Source of information: Daily and periodic press - local and foreign-  materials from international

organizations and NGOs

Subject: Ecology - Environment regarding Greece

Time period                                             Frequency                                            Initiative             Satisfaction level

1/1970-7/1996                                       Continually                                               Ours                       High

Source of information: Mass Media

Subject: Ecology - Environment regarding Greece

Time period                                             Frequency                                            Initiative             Satisfaction level

1/1970-7/1996                                       Continually                                               Ours                       High

IV. Relations with the Press

Title: All newspapers and magazines (mainly Kathimerini, To Vima, Eleytherotipia,

Eleytheros typos)

Subject: Nature - culture

Type                 Circulation      Time Period                     Frequency                       Initiative            Satisfaction Level

                         National      1/1950-7/1996    every time the NGO organises          Common                     High

V. Relations with Mass Media

Title: ΕΤ 1

Subject: Kaisariani forest

Type                   Rang             Time Period                   Frequency                        Initiative             Satisfaction level

T.V.                   National     1/1987-12/1987                                                                                        Perfect

Production of documentaire as an initiative-collaboration of WWF.

Title: ΕΤ 2

Subject: Forest protection- forest fires

Type                   Rang             Time Period                   Frequency                        Initiative             Satisfaction level

T.V.                   National     1/1992-12/1992                      once                              Theirs                     Perfect


Subject: Manifestations

Type                   Rang             Time Period                   Frequency                        Initiative             Satisfaction level

T.V.                   National      1/1989-7/1996                                                           Theirs                     Perfect

Title: SEVEN X

Subject: Kaisariani forest

Type                   Rang             Time Period                   Frequency                        Initiative             Satisfaction level

T.V.                   National     1/1991-12/1991                      once                              Theirs                       High

Title: ANTENNA 97,1 FM

Subject: Kaisariani forest

Type                   Rang             Time Period                   Frequency                        Initiative             Satisfaction level

Radio                 National      1/1991-7/1996                                                           Theirs                       High

Title: ERA 1

Subject: Nature- environment

Type                   Rang             Time Period                   Frequency                        Initiative             Satisfaction level

Radio                 National     1/1988-12/1988                      once                              Theirs                     Perfect

VI. Relations with others ENGO

Name: WWF

Subject: Protection of nature

Nativity                                 Time period                                                           Initiative             Satisfaction level

Yes                                     1/1953-7/1996                                                         Common                 Very High

Name: Greek Society for the Protection of Nature

Subject: Protection of Prespes

Nativity                                 Time period                                                           Initiative             Satisfaction level

Yes                                    1/1955-12/1985                                                        Common                 Very High

Name: Hellenic Society

Subject: Sending informative papers

Nativity                                 Time period                                                           Initiative             Satisfaction level

Yes                                     1/1960-7/1996                                                           Theirs                       High

VII. Relations with Public and Private Bodies

Name: University of Athens (Department of Paleondology)

Subject: Funding for research programme  (Lesvos)

Time Period                                                                                                       Initiative              Satisfaction level

1/1984-7/1996                                                                                                     Ours                     Moderate

Name: Agricultural University

Subject: Research programme for the  Mediteranean countries and the European Union

Time Period                                                                                                       Initiative              Satisfaction level

1/1995-7/1996                                                                                                    Theirs                        High

Name: University of Athens (Department of Biology)


Development and enrichment  of the Botanic garden of Kaisarianis monastery

Time Period                                                                                                       Initiative              Satisfaction level

1/1993-7/1996                                                                                                                                   Perfect

Name: Ministry of Agriculture

Subject: Carrying out works in Kaisarianis forest

Time Period                                                                                                       Initiative              Satisfaction level

1/1945-7/1996                                                                                                  Common                      High

Name: Ministry of Culture

Subject: Reconstruction of buildings and monuments

Time Period                                                                                                       Initiative              Satisfaction level

1/1970-7/1996                                                                                                  Common                  Moderate

Name: Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

Subject: Subsidy of preservation works

Time Period                                                                                                       Initiative              Satisfaction level

1/1983-7/1996                                                                                                     Ours                       Perfect

VIII. Printed material of the ENGO

Title: "Mountain Hymettus and the Kaisariani Monastery"

Type                                       Time period                                                     Frequency               Way of Publication

Books                                1/1962-12/1962                                                      1 TIME                          Alone

Title: "Greek dances"

Type                                       Time period                                                     Frequency               Way of Publication

Books                                1/1950-12/1950                                                      1 TIME                          Alone