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Το Εθνικό Κέντρο Κοινωνικών Ερευνών, ο Συνήγορος του Πολίτη, ο ΟΑΕΔ και η Αναπτυξιακή Δημοτική Επιχείρηση Πατρών σας προσκαλούν στην ημερίδα με θέμα: “Καταπολέμηση των Διακρίσεων στο πεδίο της Επιχειρηματικότητας: Γυναίκες, νέοι Ρομά και μουσουλμάνοι μετανάστες”, την Πέμπτη 27 Μαρτίου 2014, στο Αμφιθέατρο Γ. Δρακόπουλος, Κεντρικό Κτήριο Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, Πανεπιστημίου 30.
Η ενέργεια περιλαμβάνεται στο έργο «Καταπολέμηση των διακρίσεων στην πράξη και προώθηση της επιχειρηματικότητας γυναικών, νέων ρομά και μουσουλμάνων μεταναστών» που υλοποιείται με συντονιστή το Εθνικό Κέντρο Κοινωνικών Ερευνών – ΕΚΚΕ και χρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα “PROGRESS – JUST/2012/PROG/AG/AD”.
Within the framework of the Observatory’s Research Activities, the following editions have been published.
Tackling Multiple Discrimination in Greece.
The current volume presents the key findings from the research programme “Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece: Delivering equality by active exploration and enabling policy interventions” that was funded under Call “JUST/2015/RDIS/AG/DISC”. The aim of the book is to illustrate the key dimensions of multiple discrimination, focusing on the way to counter-balance its effects, and constituting a useful tool for policy-makers, legislators and public administration to perform significant changes to the direction of equal access and treatment.
The book consists of ten chapters, divided in three thematic sections. The first section (chapters 1-3) presents a legal and social science approach to multiple discrimination, highlighting the theory, policies and research, and examining the legislative and regulatory framework for tackling the issue at an international, European and national level. The second section (chapters 4-7) analyses the findings from the field work elaborated by EKKE –qualitative and quantitative research–, introduces the methodological tool of “situation testing”, and describes an empirical investigation based on research data concerning multiple discrimination and inequalities. The third section (chapters 8-10) provides a discussion of the various aspects of multiple discrimination in healthcare and the labour market, and recommends the development of digital skills as a means to combat exclusion.
Combating Discrimination in the Field of Entrepreneurship
Editors: D. Balourdos, J. Tsiganou
The present volume is based on research outputs produced during the implementation of a research initiative titled “Combating Discrimination in the Field of Entrepreneurship: Women and Young Roma and Muslim Immigrants”, conducted at EKKE, under the funding of the PROGRESS ACTION GRANTS ( JUST/2012/PROG/AG/AD).
The basic priorities of the project required an interdisciplinary approach and the pairing of quantitative and qualitative research techniques, in order to form a framework for the deciphering not only of the visible but also of the latent forms of discrimination in the eld of the business engagement of female and young Roma and Muslim immigrants in contemporary Greece. e data presented and analysed in the present volume may be proven useful not only for the understanding of the subject under consideration, but also for future planning and decision making in national, european and international levels.
Thee study has drawn its epistemological considerations from three main traditions: e ideas around the issue of “competition and social cohesion”, the conceptualisation of “entrepreneurship” especially in conditions of “risk” and/or economic crises, and the issue of discrimination. It was in connection to these traditions that the mapping of speci c conditions that prevent, delay or facilitate the development of professional and employment careers of female and young Roma and Muslim immigrants was undertaken.
The exploration of stereotypes that contribute to the generation and enhancement of multiple, ever-going and intense discrimina- tion in the labour market on the grounds of gender, ethnicity and religion was a key element of the research process. To this respect, one of the basic goals of the research undertaking was to provide evidence in support of multicultural oriented services o ered by the state and its speci c services.
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“Vulnerable Social Groups and discrimination in the labour market”
Editors: D. Balourdos, M. Chrysakis, N. Sarris, A. Tramountanis, K. Tsantila
The current volume presents the key findings from the research Programme «Combating Discrimination in the Labour Market» that was funded under the European PROGRESS Programme. The aim of this book is to illustrate the key dimensions of discrimination, focusing on the estimation of relevant indicators and models for discrimination that vulnerable social groups face in the labour market.
This volume is divided in three sections. The first section (chapters 1-4) analyzes the findings from the field work that was conducted by the National Centre for Social Research, in collaboration with the Manpower Employment Organisation. The second section (chapters 5-6) focuses on the institutional framework related to combating discrimination at the international, European and national level, with particular emphasis on the Greek labour market. The third section (chapters 7-8) discusses specific discrimination aspects, such as the econometric illustration of the effects of the demographic characteristics of vulnerable social groups on employment; results from the focus groups interviews that were conducted in Athens and Thessaloniki; and cases of anti-discrimination policies and best practices.
Select [here] to download the book in electronic format in English.
Select [here] to download the book in electronic format in Greek.
“Combating Discrimination in Greece: State of the Art, Challenges and Policy Interventions”
Editors: D. Balourdos, A. Mouriki
Publications EKKE – Papazisi
The present publication is the outcome of the work produced within the framework of the research programme “Establishment of an Observatory on Combating Discrimination” which was carried out during 2011 by the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE), in collaboration with the Economic and Social Council (OKE), the Labour Institute of the Greek General Confederation of Labour (INE/GSEE) and Efxini Poli-Local Authorities Network. The aim of this book is to shed some light on the multiple facets of discrimination encountered in Greece, to assess the availability and effectiveness of the various mechanisms established to address the issue (e.g. legislation, monitoring bodies, social partners, the civil society, etc.), and to put forward concrete and innovative policy proposals to combat discriminatory practices at every level. In view of more fully understanding the phenomenon of discrimination, the book draws both from a conceptual analysis of discrimination and inequality, as well as from reliable primary and secondary empirical data and best practices (from national and European sources). In this respect, it is hoped that this book will contribute to the sparse literature on discrimination in Greece, will trigger of a public debate and promote further study on this highly important issue.
Select [here] to download the book in electronic format in English.
Select [here] to download the book in electronic format in Greek.
Designation and production of a toolkit which will be addressed to the L.I.B. officials regarding “discrimination due to disability” and “reasonable accommodation”.
WP 6: Education of executives of SEPE on issues of discrimination and legitimate adaptations for workers with infirmity.
1. Objectives – description
The Greek Law 3304/2005 “Implementation of the principle of equal treatment irrespective of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation” (G.G. 16 Α΄/27.01.2005) transposed into the Greek legislation the EU Directive 78/2000. According to this Law, one of the responsible bodies to promote equal treatment principle is the Labor Inspection Body (L.I.B.). This body is responsible for combating discrimination in the private sector only.
The fact is that the L.I.B. has not received complaints from people with disabilities/victims of discrimination in employment area. The absence of such complaints demonstrates in some extent the weakness of the L.I.B. officials to inform people with disabilities about their rights in employment area. Thus, in order to be strengthening the effectiveness of this body and in view of:
a) the CRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) ratification by our country,
b) the L.I.B. reform via the adoption of a new legislation,
National Confederation of Disabled (N.C.D.P.) considers that it is necessary the training of L.I.B. officials in discrimination and “reasonable accommodation” issues.
Select [here] to download the Toolkit in Greek.
“Code of Conduct against discrimination in the workplace”
Study team:
Anda Stamati
Panagiotis Syriopoulos
Select [here] to download the Code of Conduct in English.
Select [here] to download the Code of Conduct in Greek.
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Select [here] to download the Code of Conduct in Bulgarian.
“Combating Discrimination in Greece”
Biannual Newsletter in Greek
Tramountanis Angelo, Research Scientist, NCSR
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During the implementation of the programme “Establishment of an Observatory on Combating Discrimination,the following conferences were organized.
Sept. 9-11- 2019 Conference Center, Cooperative Bankof Chania, Chania, Crete
The INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION’s Research Committee on Sociotechnics and Sociological Practice (ISA RC26) and the Working Group on Global-Local Relations (ISAWG01) in cooperation with the Sociology of Work and Employment Lab, Sociology Department, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece and its partner, the Observatory on Combating Discrimination, Greek Center of Social Research (EKKE) organize a Conference supported by the Cooperative Bank of Chania on: Local Democratic Challenges: Environment, Inequalities and Resilient Cultural Mediation in Fragile / Transitional Communities
Select [here] to view the event.
20-10-2018 Promotion of “Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece” project at the “LINGUA CUISINE” project awareness event
The project “Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece: Delivering equality by active exploration and enabling policy interventions” (JUST / 2015 / RDIS / AG / DISC / 9507) was included at the promotional event of the projectLINGUA CUISINE that was organized in Athens on 20 Oct 2018 by the DAISSy(Digital Ambient Intelligence Sociotechnical Systems) Research Group of Hellenic Open University.
14/12/2012. Conference on: Combating discrimination in the Greek labour market.
The National Centre for Social Research,the Manpower Employment Organization and National Confederation of Disabled People have organized a conference on Friday December 14 2012,at the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government .
Select [here] to view the programme in Greek.
2/11/2012. Seminar on training labour consultants by the Manpower Employment Organization referring to social groups dealing with discrimination issues (Athens)
The National Centre for Social Research,the Manpower Employment Organization and National Confederation of Disabled People have organized a seminar on Friday November 2 2012,at TITANIA Hotel,Panepistimiou 5,Athens.
Select [here] to view the programme in Greek.
21-22/09/2012.Seminar on training labour consultants by the Manpower Employment Organization referring to social groups dealing with discrimination issues (Thessaloniki)
The National Centre for Social Research,the Manpower Employment Organization and National Confederation of Disabled People have organized a two day seminar on September 21&22 2012,at CAPSIS Hotel,Monastiriou 18,Thessaloniki.
Select [here] to view the programme in Greek.
2/12/2011. Conferenence on :”Combating discrimination in Greece” Policies for combating discrimination and the role of Civil Society(Xanthi)
The National Centre for Social Research, the Economic and Social Council of Greece, KEK INE-GSEE and Efxini Poli have organized a conference on Friday December 2,2011, at the Institute of Thracian Art & Tradition, Xanthi.
Select [here] to view the programme in English.
Select [here] to view the programme in Greek.
24-25/11/2011. Two day conference on :“Combating discrimination in Greece”
Policies for combating discrimination and the role of Civil Society(Athens)
The National Centre for Social Research, the Economic and Social Council of Greece, KEK INE-GSEE and Efxini Poli have organized a two day conference on Thursday November 25 and Friday November 26 2011,at “Antonis Tritsis” Amphitheatre, Cultural Centre of the City of Athens, Akadimias 50, Athens.
Select [here] to downoad the conference’s invitation.
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