
Posts Tagged ‘European Commission’

European Roma Summit: Going local on Roma inclusion

indexThe third Roma summit to be held in Brussels on 4 April 2014 will take stock of progress made on Roma inclusion in the European Union since the last Roma summit in 2010.

Around 500 representatives of EU institutions, national governments and parliaments, international organisations, mayors, civil society organisations (including Roma organisations) and local and regional authorities are invited to express their views on how to deliver further on the implementation of the EU Framework for national Roma integration strategies. Going local on Roma inclusion both in the EU as well as in enlargement countries will be the central focus of the summit.

Among the speakers will be Commission President José Manuel Barroso, Vice-President Viviane Reding (Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship), Commissioner László Andor (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion), Commissioner Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth) and Commissioner Füle (Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy) . Other key speakers include Romanian President Traian Băsescu, George Soros, Chairman of the Open Society Foundations, and a number of Ministers from EU Member States and enlargement countries.

The summit will focus on three major themes that will be the subjects of panel discussions:

  1. Making policies inclusive for all Roma at the local level.
  2. Making EU funding reach the local and regional authorities to support Roma integration.
  3. Making Roma integration a local reality in enlargement countries.

This event will be streamed live through this website to ensure anyone can watch it.

Select here for the Agenda.

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