Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece: Delivering equality by active exploration and enabling policy interventions
- To measure whether there is an experience of multiple discrimination in Greece in six vulnerable social groups, namely: racial or ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, older/younger people, religious minorities and LGBTI people and explore a number of factors (criteria, effects, solutions)
- To apply innovative methodological tools like ‘Participatory Action Research’, and ‘Situation Testing’
- To review systematically the existing (multiple) discrimination laws and propose changes
- To raise awareness on anti-discrimination laws and built up knowledge to support organizations
- To create anti-discrimination and gender equality reflexes in the society and in the public service providers
- To develop and promote the policy tool of ‘Action Plan’ for the fight against multiple discrimination in the public sector
- To exchange/share knowledge and good practices within a network of stakeholders
National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)
Economic and Social Council (ESC)
Hellenic Open University (HOU)
Region of Crete, Directorate of Social Care
University of Seville (Spain)
Workstreams and Activities
Workstream 1: “Qualitative and quantitative research on multiple discriminated groups”
1.1. Updating of the literature review and identifying best practices
1.2. Field work- Qualitative research to the project’s target groups
1.3. Field work- Survey to project’s target groups
1.4. Pilot implementation of “Situation testing”
1.5. Strategic plan of mainstreaming gender issues on multiple discrimination research
1.6. Extension of the existing Observatory of Discrimination with issues of multiple discrimination
Workstream 2: “Promoting changes in administrative practices and mutual learning processes among stakeholders”
2.1. Three (3) Workshops with the main stakeholders and project’s target groups (one workshop per city)
2.2. Law coding and propositions for legislative changes
2.3. Exchange of knowledge and good practices
2.4. Creation of a booklet for the development of an Action Plan for combating discrimination in the public service
2.5 Training main stakeholders of the public sector in applying the action plan in their organisations
Workstream 3: “Raising awareness on multiple discrimination among policy makers, service providers and citizens”
3.1 Four (4) Public information days on anti-discrimination legislation
3.2 Three (3) National festival on issues of equity
3.3 Production and dissemination of an information manual for public administrators on issues of multiple discrimination
One (1) conference, One (1) book on issues of multiple discrimination
Workstream 4: Evaluation
Timeline & Funding
12.12.2016 – 12.12.2018
European Commission – Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (80%)