Establishment of an Observatory on Combating Discrimination
Main Objectives
- The generation of updated information/data for discrimination monitoring.
- The development of documented knowledge, which will contribute to a more effective design of educational cycles and information and awareness raising campaigns.
- Participation of the Observatory in specialized national and international networks.
- Each working packages will examine the context, the conditions and the prospects of combating discrimination towards one or more target groups on which the project focuses. The information collection techniques used in the context of the present study include: desk research, literature review, fieldwork, data base development, use of existing data sources, workshops, preparation and publication of conference proceedings.
- The Observatory will seek to: ensure support on the design, monitoring and evaluation of actions that actively combat discrimination and support vulnerable groups; design and scientific administration of researches and presentation of researches and studies relevant to combating discrimination.
National Center for Social Research – EKKE
Economic and Social Council of Greece (OKE)
The Vocational Training Centre of INE/GSEE (the Labour Institute of the Greek General Confederation of Labour) – KEK INE GSEE
EFXINI POLI, Local Authorities Network for Social, Cultural, Tourist, Environmental and Agricultural Development
Time Frame
20.12.2010 – 20.12.2011European Commission – Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Working Packages
Working Package 1: Consists of the “Development of an Observatory on combating discrimination” and will last 12 months. Outcomes of WP1 include the design of websites, the organization of a conference and the publication of bulletins.
Working Package 2: Refers to the Institutional Dimension and Regulatory Framework and has a duration of 6 months. It includes literature review with respect to both Greek and European legal framework on discrimination and migration. In addition, WP2 includes description and comparative analysis on institutional reforms in both European and non European countries.
Working Package 3: Refers to good practices regarding policies for combating discrimination in European countries. Good practices will be identified through literature review. A comparative analysis of good practices will take place, which will conclude to the identification of those practices that can be applied in Greece.
Working Package 4: Deals with the role of Civil Society’s Organization as well as the role of informal networks in combating discrimination. It lasts 10 months. Literature review coupled with fieldwork study will be used to produce a report on the role of the aforementioned organizations. In addition the role of OKE, the European social partners and the European Financial and Social Committee on combating discrimination will be described in a separate report. In addition recording of bodies (NGOs etc.) involved in the combat against discrimination in the geographical areas covered by EFXINI POLI will be attempted.
Working Package 5: “Printing and publication of a Code of Conduct for the Public Authorities and the Enterprises of public and private sector for Combating Discrimination at Work” fall under KEK INE GSEE responsibility and will last 6 months in total.
Working Package 6: Lasts 8 months aims at the development of a methodological framework for discrimination monitoring in Greece in comparison with other EU countries.
Working Package 7: Project Evaluation
Combating Discrimination in Greece: State of the Art, Challenges and Policy Interventions
Editors: D. Balourdos, A. MourikiEKKE – Papazisis Publishers
The present publication is the outcome of the work produced within the framework of the research programme “Establishment of an Observatory on Combating Discrimination” which was carried out during 2011 by the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE), in collaboration with the Economic and Social Council (OKE), the Labour Institute of the Greek General Confederation of Labour (INE/GSEE) and Efxini Poli-Local Authorities Network. The aim of this book is to shed some light on the multiple facets of discrimination encountered in Greece, to assess the availability and effectiveness of the various mechanisms established to address the issue (e.g. legislation, monitoring bodies, social partners, the civil society, etc.), and to put forward concrete and innovative policy proposals to combat discriminatory practices at every level. In view of more fully understanding the phenomenon of discrimination, the book draws both from a conceptual analysis of discrimination and inequality, as well as from reliable primary and secondary empirical data and best practices (from national and European sources). In this respect, it is hoped that this book will contribute to the sparse literature on discrimination in Greece, will trigger of a public debate and promote further study on this highly important issue.
Code of Conduct against discrimination in the workplace
Study team: A. Stamati, P. SyriopoulosWork apart from being a means of personal creativity of the employee and a prerequisite for his/her socialization, survival and personal growth, at the same time, it reflects the social relations. Thus work by its nature is an essential condition that may ensure the absence of discrimination between all employed persons. The above observation highlights the existing potential in place which can actively combat and eliminate discrimination in the field of occupation.