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Πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 13.12.2013, σε αίθουσα κεντρικού ξενοδοχείου της Αθήνας, η εναρκτήρια συνάντηση εργασίας του νεοσυσταθέντος δικτύου συνεργασίας του Συνηγόρου του Πολίτη με οργανώσεις της κοινωνίας των πολιτών που ασχολούνται με ζητήματα διακρίσεων. Κατά την διάρκεια της ημερίδας περισσότεροι από 50 φορείς που είχαν κατά τους προηγούμενους μήνες αποδεχθεί σχετική πρόσκληση συμμετοχής σε δικτύωση με τον Συνήγορο του Πολίτη, συζήτησαν τους τρόπους συντονισμού των δράσεών τους και συνεργάστηκαν σε θεματικές ομάδες ανά πεδίο διακρίσεων, όπως αυτά προσδιορίζονται στο νόμο 3304/2005.
Το ΕΚΚΕ συμμετείχε στην συνάντηση με τις ερευνήτριες Βαρουξή Χριστίνα και Σπυροπούλου Ναταλία, και με τον Συντονιστή του Παρατηρητηρίου Καταπολέμησης των Διακρίσεων, Τραμουντάνη Άγγελο.
During the implementation of the programme “Establishment of an Observatory on Combating Discrimination,the following conferences were organized.
Sept. 9-11- 2019 Conference Center, Cooperative Bankof Chania, Chania, Crete
The INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION’s Research Committee on Sociotechnics and Sociological Practice (ISA RC26) and the Working Group on Global-Local Relations (ISAWG01) in cooperation with the Sociology of Work and Employment Lab, Sociology Department, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece and its partner, the Observatory on Combating Discrimination, Greek Center of Social Research (EKKE) organize a Conference supported by the Cooperative Bank of Chania on: Local Democratic Challenges: Environment, Inequalities and Resilient Cultural Mediation in Fragile / Transitional Communities
Select [here] to view the event.
20-10-2018 Promotion of “Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece” project at the “LINGUA CUISINE” project awareness event
The project “Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece: Delivering equality by active exploration and enabling policy interventions” (JUST / 2015 / RDIS / AG / DISC / 9507) was included at the promotional event of the projectLINGUA CUISINE that was organized in Athens on 20 Oct 2018 by the DAISSy(Digital Ambient Intelligence Sociotechnical Systems) Research Group of Hellenic Open University.
14/12/2012. Conference on: Combating discrimination in the Greek labour market.
The National Centre for Social Research,the Manpower Employment Organization and National Confederation of Disabled People have organized a conference on Friday December 14 2012,at the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government .
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2/11/2012. Seminar on training labour consultants by the Manpower Employment Organization referring to social groups dealing with discrimination issues (Athens)
The National Centre for Social Research,the Manpower Employment Organization and National Confederation of Disabled People have organized a seminar on Friday November 2 2012,at TITANIA Hotel,Panepistimiou 5,Athens.
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21-22/09/2012.Seminar on training labour consultants by the Manpower Employment Organization referring to social groups dealing with discrimination issues (Thessaloniki)
The National Centre for Social Research,the Manpower Employment Organization and National Confederation of Disabled People have organized a two day seminar on September 21&22 2012,at CAPSIS Hotel,Monastiriou 18,Thessaloniki.
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2/12/2011. Conferenence on :”Combating discrimination in Greece” Policies for combating discrimination and the role of Civil Society(Xanthi)
The National Centre for Social Research, the Economic and Social Council of Greece, KEK INE-GSEE and Efxini Poli have organized a conference on Friday December 2,2011, at the Institute of Thracian Art & Tradition, Xanthi.
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24-25/11/2011. Two day conference on :“Combating discrimination in Greece”
Policies for combating discrimination and the role of Civil Society(Athens)
The National Centre for Social Research, the Economic and Social Council of Greece, KEK INE-GSEE and Efxini Poli have organized a two day conference on Thursday November 25 and Friday November 26 2011,at “Antonis Tritsis” Amphitheatre, Cultural Centre of the City of Athens, Akadimias 50, Athens.
Select [here] to downoad the conference’s invitation.
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