CESSDA Data Catalogue: opportunities and challenges to explore mobility and migration

The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) exists since 1976 as an umbrella organisation for social science data archives across Europe.CESSDA has developed core tools to provide seamless access to data across these repositories. One of them is the CESSDA Data Catalogue (www.datacatalogue.cessda.eu) a multilingual catalogue that provides information (metadata) on more than 30,000 datasets, making it the largest Social Science data catalogue in the world. The Data Catalogue can be used as a starting point for further research and international cooperation. The data sets can be enriched and combined to meet researchers’ needs as well as to enhance the transfer of knowledge. We will also highlight aspects of social mobility’ research focusing on the CESSDA Data Catalogue: as a search tool and as a starting point for collaborative research.
  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Kondyli D., Dekker Ron., Ilijasic Versic I.,
  • YEAR: 2021
  • TYPE: Book chapters
  • LANGUAGE: English