The initial list includes working pappers for free access. The search distinguishes lowercase - uppercase and lowercase - dull characters. Older working texts that are in printed form, are available only from the library of EKKE.
Cultural consumption and social stratification in Athens: A synthesis of findings across cultural fields and some remarks on the significance of popular culture
YEAR:2023TYPE:The paper reviews the results of a 2013 survey of cultural consumption in p...
The travelling adventures of urban theory. Considerations from outside the core.
YEAR:2013TYPE:The paper summarizes arguments, developed in two recent publications, about the importance of context in making sense of urban social processes like segregation and gentrification (Maloutas 2012a and 2012b). It focuse...
A bottom – up research approach for the investigation of social capital indicators.
YEAR:2012TYPE:Social capital is a term which has been defined in many different ways and been examined mainly theoretically and less empirically. In the current paper, we attempt to detect the indicators of social capital, as defined in empirical studies whose...
Class allocation and prices of land and housing in imperfect markets: implications of the monopolistic competition model
YEAR:2010TYPE:Recent European research on the spatial distribution of social classes and social segregation and on the effect of planning restrictions on housing prices and housing supply raise issues that go back to the "political...
Les transitions familiales des jeunes. Comparaison des comportements des jeunes en France et en Grece.
YEAR:2005TYPE:Les transformations apparues dans la deuxieme moitie du XXe siecle dans les societes developpees avec les changements structurels au sein de la famille et du marche de l'emploi influencent le passage a la vie adulte a...