Following its mission and goals, EKKE has concluded protocols, memoranda of understanding (MoUs), partnership and cooperation agreements (PCA) with national and international academic and research institutes, universities, public and private bodies, and stakeholders in areas of mutual interest.
Amongst others, EKKE aims at:
a) improving and disseminating methods of social and political research,
b) promoting the collaborations with public and private bodies for the development and employment of the research results in the planning of public policies and decision-making processes,
c) promoting the collaborations of the research staff with national, European, and international research networks, programs, and networks of experts,
d) organizing conferences, seminars, lectures, and public debates.
Over the last eight years, EKKE has concluded MoUs and PCAs with a number of partners such as the:
- Athena Research and Innovation Center
- Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (IHR/NHRF)
- University of the Aegean
- Harokopio University of Athens
- School of Economics and Political Sciences of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Democritus University of Thrace
- University of the Peloponnese
- European University of Cyprus
- Cyprus University of Technology
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Region of Crete
- City of Athens
- Hellenic Statistical Authority
- Research and Policy Institute “diaNEOsis”
- European Economic and Social Committee
- National Centre for Social Solidarity
- Research Centre for Gender Equality
- National Documentation Centre
- Centre of Planning and Economic Research
- Small Enterprise Institute of the General Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen, Merchants of Greece
- Prorata SA
- Association of Greek Market and Opinion Research Companies (SEDEA)