Pharmacists: Critical upheavals in a female profession

The profession of the pharmacist has been considered as family friendly, and therefore as a “female profession”, for decades. During the economic crisis period it tends to lose this characteristic. Before crisis, professional satisfaction and a balanced family and personal life were reinforcing each other and created a positive environment supporting satisfaction with life in general. Since the beginning of the economic crisis, and due to its prolongation, this positive circle was torn apart. The profession no longer offers status, nor economic prosperity, nor the joy of offering. Family-related roles are multiplied, and demand more time than available. The future seems uncertain and – for the older women pharmacists – bleak. Thus, a vicious circle is created, producing and reinforcing sentiments of inadequacy, lack of time and guilt.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Stratoudaki, H.
  • YEAR: 2016
  • TYPE: Presentations in conferences
  • LANGUAGE: Greek