Manina Κakepaki

Manina Kakepaκι has directed and collaborated on a number of national and international research projects on topics related to political elites, political representation, youth political participation, gender and politics. She has participated in the QUING (FP6) and INTUNE projects (FP6), and is currently the co-cordinator of the YouWeP digital platform, which will focus on young people’s values, attitudes and identity formation. She was also national coordinator of a comparative project on social and political attitudes and values in Greece and Hungary, and member of the Greek ESS team. She has edited a book on the socio-political profile of parliamentary representatives in Greece.
- Political representation
- Political elites
- Gender and politics
- Young people and politics
- South European Governments
- Research, Education and Infrastructure: REDI
- Online Survey: Social and Political Attitudes in Hungary and Greece
- So.Da.Map
- Kakepaki, M. (2018) “New Actors, Old Practices? Candidate Selection and Recruitment Patterns in Greece”, in: X. Coller, G. Cordero and A. Jaime-Castillo (eds) The selection of politicians in times of crises, London, Routledge.
- Kakepaki. M. (ed.) (2016) Political Representation in Contemporary Greece: Characteristics and Profile of Members of the Greek Parliament, 1996-2015, Athens: EKKE – Papazissis
- Kakepaki M. Kountouri, F, Verzicheli L and X Coller (2018) “The Socio-Political Profile of Parliamentary Representatives in Greece, Italy and Spain before and after the ‘Eurocrisis': A Comparative Empirical Assessment” in: X. Coller and G. Cordero (eds) Democratizing Candidate Selection in Times of Crisis: New Methods, Old Receipts, Parlgrave.
- Post-graduate seminar: Empirical Political Analysis. Course offered during the Academic Year 2016-17 and 2017-18. the course is jointly organized by EKKE, Panteion University and NKUA.