1974 - 2024: 50 years of Greek Democracy


For the first birthday of EKKE's Podcasts, on April 10th, we present the project "1974-2024 : 50 years of Greek democracy", a tribute to the great anniversary of the third greek democracy. Fifty-five (55) distinguished representatives of the Greek scientific community state their views on two broad aspects: a) the current trends and perceptions of the course of the Hellenic Republic so far, and b) the assessments for its future.

For the creation of this tribute, researchers and academics from the wider fields of social and political sciences were invited. Political scientists, political philosophers, historians, sociologists, professors of European and international studies, of law, etc. take a stand on issues critical to state and institution functioning, always within the wide spectrum and celebration of democracy.

The participants were asked to comment and argue on the topic of their choice within 7 minutes – time usually given for the opening argument in a debate! Thus, even though they didn't know the topics chosen by the others, the result is a digital dialogue where each podcast complements each other; highlighting - in a multifaceted way - key issues of the Modern Hellenic Republic .

Podcasts are presented daily, for 55 days (with a short Easter break), starting Wednesday April 10th, on spotify, youtube, google podcasts.

** EKKE Podcasts also plan a new series on democracy with representatives from the scientific community, from universities and research centers from all over the world. **