Apostolos Linardis

Apostolos Linardis is Research Director at the Institute of Social
Research (ISR) of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) on
"Research infrastructures: documentation and management of social
data". He holds a degree in Mathematics from the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, a master's degree in Statistics from the Athens University of
Economics and Business and a PhD in Social Data Management Systems from the
University of the Aegean. He has been working at EKKE since 2000 and on a
permanent basis since 2004. In 2004, he was appointed as an Applied Researcher,
grade “D”, having preferred research to teaching in secondary education, where
he had been selected as a mathematics teacher after passing the ASEP
examinations. Then he was successfully judged as Applied Researcher with grades
“C” and “B”, as well as Researcher with grades “B” and “A”. He has participated
in more than 50 national, European and international projects, either as
scientific responsible and co-responsible or as a member of the project team
and in different roles: either as a data and metadata manager, or as a statistician
and sampling manager in quantitative research, or even as an IT developer. He
has participated in key roles in the most important transnational quantitative
surveys recently carried out by EKKE such as: the PIAAC survey of the OECD
(Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies), the
European Social Survey (ESS), the survey of the World Bank "Social
Protection Responses to Displacement and Integration", the Values in
Crisis Survey (VIC – World Values Survey), the World Internet Project (WIP) and
the Eurostat survey on Gender Based Violence. From 06/2019 till 04/2020 he
served as Vice President of the Board of EKKE. He is the President of the
General Assembly of SoDaNet - the network of the national research
infrastructure of the social sciences -, responsible for the Data Repository of
EKKE and all technical infrastructures of SoDaNet and deputy representative of
EKKE in the Hellenic Open Science Initiative (EPAE). He has taught research
methodology at the Department of Social Administration of the Democritus
University of Thrace based on the Presidential Decree 407/1980 with the rank of
assistant professor, at the Hellenic Open University, in the postgraduate
program "Educational Sciences" and in particular in the thematic unit
"Educational Research in Practice" as well as in postgraduate
programs and university departments that EKKE collaborates with. He is
scientific responsible and key lecturer of the research methodology seminar
series "Do Your Survey (DYS) using quantitative methodologies and
tools", organized by EKKE every six months since 2017.
- Research methodology (in particular: cross-national comparative and longitudinal quantitative research, online surveys).
- Development and design of social science research infrastructures.
- Development and design of data repositories.
- Social data management.
- Development, design and configuration of digital questionnaires and case management systems.
- Advanced statistical methods for analyzing social data.
- Using big data in social research.
- President of the General Assembly and member of the SoDaNet Steering Committee [2022 – present].
- Scientific Responsible for the EKKE Data Repository [2021 – present].
- Deputy representative of EKKE in the Hellenic Open Science Initiative (EPAE) [2021-present].
- Representative of researchers and applied researchers on the Board of EKKE [2019-2021].
- Vice-President of the Board of EKKE [06/2019 – 04/2020].
- Chair of proposals evaluation committee in REDI project [2017-2020].
- Representative of EKKE in the Advisory Committee of the Hellenic Statistical System (SY.EP.EL.SS) (FEK: 426/ Issue Y.O.D.D/ 1-9-2017) [2017 – today].
- President of the Institute Scientific Council (ESI) of ISP / EKKE [2016-2018].
- Deputy national representative of EKKE at the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives - ERIC (CESSDA) [2015 – present].
- Scientific co-responsible of EKKE in the Horizon project "BeYond-COVID". Scientific responsible for EKKE: Dimitra Kondyli. Coordinator: European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Germany) [2021-2024].
- Scientific co-responsible of EKKE in the Horizon project "European Open Science Cloud-Future (EOSC - FUTURE)". Scientific responsible for EKKE: Dimitra Kondyli. Coordinator: ATHENA Research Center [2021-2023].
- Scientific co-responsible of EKKE in the project: "Social Protection Responses to Displacement and Integration / World Bank" - Responsible for the quantitative research on refugees, asylum seekers and natives. Scientific responsible of EKKE: Angelos Tramountanis. Coordinator: ODI (UK) [2020-2021].
- Scientific responsible of the EKKE project "Creation of EKKE Web Panels" [2020 – 2023].
- Scientific responsible of EKKE in the project: "Euro Question Bank 2019". Coordinator: GESIS (Germany) [2019].
- Scientific responsible of the "Sodanet in Action" project. Coordinator: EKKE [2018-2022].
- Scientific co-responsible for the EKKE project: "Research, Education and Infrastructures: the triangulation of the axes of strategic development of EKKE (Research Education Infrastructures - REDI)". Scientific responsible: Nikos Demertzis [2017-2020].
- Scientific responsible of EKKE in the project: "Collaborative data management module for comparative social science researchers". Coordinator: CESSDA MO (Norway) [2017].
- Scientific co-responsible of the project: "CESSDA ATTIΚΗ – Support and development of Greek partners for the participation in the Consortiums of European Research Infrastructures within the framework of ESFRI/2006". Scientific responsible: Nikos Demertzis. Coordinator: EKKE [2012-2015].
- Resilience, inclusiveness and development: Towards a just green and digital transition of Greek regions - JustReDI. Scientific Responsible: Nikos Demertzis / Scientific co-responsible: George Papadoudis. Role: participation in the organization and implementation of the national survey: "Public opinion in Greece on the green and digital transition" as well as in the preparation and collection of the Data Management Plans from all project partners [2023-2025].
- EU Survey on Gender-Based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV) in Greece - EUROSTAT. Scientific responsible: Apostolos Papadopoulos. Role: head of the "Pilot and main survey coordination group" (together with Apostolos Papadopoulos & Maxi Hadjiyanni) and head of the "Working group for the technical support (CAPI, Sampling, data management, microdata & metadata)", jointly with George Papadoudis [2021-2023].
- PIAAC (Program on the International Assessment of Adult Abilities)" of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Scientific responsible for EKKE: Maxi Hadjiyanni. Role: National Data Manager [2012 – 2015].
- Linardis, A., Maravelakis, P., & Fragoulis, G. (f2023). Data collection methods using digital questionnaires and survey methodology. Management of online, in-person and telephone data and surveys with Limesurvey and SPSS. Kallipos, Open Academic Publications.
- Kallas, J., Kondyli, D., Linardis, A., Nagopoulos, N., & Tsiolis, G. (Eds) (2022). Development of Infrastructures for data production and management in the Social Sciences. Edition of the Greek Research Infrastructure for Social Sciences (SoDaNet) & the Laboratory of Social Informatics, Statistics and Research Infrastructures of the Sociology Department of the Aegean University. ISBN 978-960-9753-06-7.
- Demertzis, N., Poulakidakos, S., & Linardis, A. (forthcoming). Perceptions and attitudes towards fact-checking in Greece: A quantitative audience research. Science and Society: Journal of Political and Moral Theory.
- Maragos, E. K., Maravelakis, P.E. & Linardis, A. (2020). A DEA evaluation of the successful implementation of HEALTH2020 policies. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Elsevier.
- Linardis, A., & Kondyli, D. (2017). The Dream Machine. The Greek Review of Social Research, 147(147), 3-39.
- Papadopoulos, G., Vardavas, I., Limperi, M., Linardis, A., Georgoudis, G., & Behrakis, P. (2011). Smoking cessation can improve quality of life among COPD patients: translation and validation of the clinical COPD questionnaire in Greek. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2011, 11:13.
- Linardis, A., & Ioannidis, A. (2022). Extending the life cycle of quantitative research and data. The role of data repositories. In J. Kallas, D. Kondyli, A. Linardis, N. Nagopoulos, & G. Tsiolis (Eds.), "Documentation and management of empirical research. Research infrastructures in the social sciences". Edition of the Greek Research Infrastructure for Social Sciences (SoDaNet) & the Laboratory of Social Informatics, Statistics and Research Infrastructures of the Sociology Department of the Aegean University. ISBN 978-960-9753-06-7.
- Tramountanis, A., Linardis, A., Mouriki, A., Gerakopoulou, P., Kondyli, D., Papaliou, O., Varouxi, C. & Levine, S. (2022). Humanitarian assistance and social protection responses to the forcibly displaced in Greece. ODI Working Paper.
- Linardis, A., Kousouli, M., & Stathogiannakou, Z. (2012). A bottom-up investigation of the dimensions of social capital. National Centre for Social Research, Working Paper, 2012/25.
- Linardis, A., Papagiannopoulos, K., & Kalisperati, E. (2011). Online surveys. Advantages, disadvantages and tools for conducting online surveys. National Centre for Social Research, Working Paper, 2011/23.
- SEP (Collaborating Educational Staff) at the Hellenic Open University and in the annual thematic unit EKP51: "Educational Research in Practice" of the postgraduate program "Educational Sciences" [2022-2023 and 2020-2021].
- Lecturer in the Department of Social Administration of the Democritus University of THrace (DUTH) based on the Presidential Decree 407/1980 with the rank of assistant professor [2008].
- Appointed teacher of mathematics in the ASEP 2002 competition (FEK No. 231, p: 1538, 31/08/2004, Issue Three). The position was abandoned due to recruitment at EKKE.
- Substitute teacher of Informatics, 2nd TEE Drapetsonas , 27th Lyceum and 52nd Gymnasium of Kolonos, [2000 - 2002].
- Key lecturer of the seminars on research methodology organized every semester by EKKE entitled: "Do your Survey, using quantitative methodologies and tools". The seminar website is available here: [2017 - present].
- Keynote speaker of the seminars organized by SoDaNet on social data management and research methodology. [2010- present].
- Scientific responsible of the educational platform HowToSurvey (HTS) which is available at the link [2021 - today]
- Scientific responsible of the educational platform of the SoDaNet network, which is available at the link: [2021 - today]
- Course "Digital documentation of quantitative data and research infrastructures. The case of the European Social Survey (ESS)" in the context of the e-learning "Empirical Social Research" (EMKE - ), [2013-2017]