
George Papadoudis

George Papadoudis
Economist - Social Statistics
Curriculum Vitae


George Papadoudis is Economist and Researcher in the field of Social Statistics at the Institute of Social Research of the National Centre for Social Research (since 2018) and holds a PhD from Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences on social inequalities and the political economy of ageing (since 2009). 

As a researcher at EKKE he participates in national and international research programs through scientific working groups: WVS, EU-GBVS, VIC, CLIMPACT, CulMed, ReCulM, Web-Panels, OCD. He served as the country survey operator in Greece for the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) (2003-2018). He participated as a post-doctoral researcher in “Thales” & “Academic and Scientific Excellence” research projects, coordinated by Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (2013-2015). He contributed as a research associate in the National Centre for Social Research (2009-2010). He worked as a scientific associate for the Institute of Strategic and Development Studies (2005-2008). He participated as a research assistant in the working groups for the National Action Plan for Employment (2003) and the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion (2003-2005). He served as a special associate at the Department of Strategic Planning of the Prime Minister’s Political Office (2001-2002). He contributed as a member of working groups for the National Statistical Service of Greece (2001-2002).

He teaches as a Professor-Advisor in the Hellenic Open University, School of Social Sciences, Business Administration (since 2016). He has taught as a Lecturer-Trainer in the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (2013); as an Adjunct Lecturer in the University of Central Greece, Department of Regional Economic Development (2011-2012); as a Visiting Assistant Professor in two Technological Educational Institutes, Faculties of Management and Economics (Athens & Central Greece, 2010-2014). Indicative courses: Economic Analysis and Policy, Public Finance, Microeconomics, Macroeconomic Analysis, National Economy and European Regional Policy, International Economic Relations, Research Methodology. 

He has published articles in referred collective scientific volumes & international journals, indicative titles: Springer Publications, De Gruyter Academic Publishing, Gutenberg Printing & Publishing Company, ION Publishing Group, Kritiki Publishing, Advances in Life Course Research, Science and Society, Emotions and Society, Regional Science Inquiry Journal, Journal of Investment and Management, Transactions International Journal. He has been a manuscript peer reviewer for Elsevier Editorial System, De Gruyter Online, InterScience Publishers. He has attended more than 50 international scientific conferences and European research workshops, since 2001 in 18 countries (in alphabetical order) Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, United Kingdom. His recent work has been focused on the fields of: social statistics, values in contemporary societies, economic analysis and policy, socioeconomic inequalities, research methodology, social policy, and the economics of ageing.


  • Social statistics
  • Values in contemporary societies
  • Economic analysis and policy
  • Socioeconomic inequalities
  • Research methodology
  • Social policy
  • The economics of ageing


  • Alternate Member for the National Centre for Social Research (ΕΚΚΕ) of the General Assembly of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.), Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs - General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, 2018-2022.
  • Regular member and/or chairman of research projects temporary staff evaluation and selection committee.


  • 2020- Member of EKKE’s working group for the research project “EU survey on Gender-Based Violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence in Greece” (EU-GBV).
  • 2020- Member of a Working Group on the design of statistical standards for the specialization of public policy evaluation indicators in the Hellenic Ministry of Migration and Asylum. The working group is a scientific and advisory board of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum.
  • 2020- Member of EKKE’s working group for the international, comparative web panel research “Values in Crisis” (VIC) in Greece (3 consecutive research waves during the COVID-19 pandemic).
  • 2020- Member and co-supervisor of EKKE’s working group for the research infrastructure project “EKKE Web Panels” targeted exclusively to internet surveys.
  • 2019- Member of EKKE’s working group for the “National Network for the Climate Change and its Aftereffects” (CLIMPACT).
  • 2018-2021: Member of the “Subgroup on Equality Data” in the framework of the “High-Level Group on Non-Discrimination, Equality and Diversity”, European Commission & European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
  • 2019-2020: Member of the “European Social Network”, Reference Group on the European Semester (the European Commission’s cycle of policy coordination with the Member States) for each yearly cycle.
  • 2018- Member of EKKE’s working group for the 7th research wave of the “World Values Survey” in Greece. Database management for WVS-7/EVS-5 analyses.
  • 2018- Member and co-supervisor of EKKE’s working group for the research infrastructure “Observatory on Combating Discrimination” (OCD).
  • 2018-2020: Member and co-supervisor of EKKE’s working group for the transnational project “Erasmus+ Cultural Mediators in the Postal Sector” (CULMED).
  • 2018: Member of EKKE’s working group for the transnational project “A VET course for Cultural Mediators to address the refugee crisis' skills needs” (ReCulM).
  • 2013-2018: Country Survey Operator (Greece), for the 6th, 7th & 8th Wave of Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece – SHARE-ERIC, Munich, Germany.
  • 2013-2015: Post-doctoral researcher, “Informal Social Protection, the Hybrid Greek Welfare State and the Economic Crisis Dynamics”, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
  • 2013-2015: Researcher, “Investigating Crucial Interdisciplinary Linkages in Ageing Societies”, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
  • 2012: Country Survey Operator, Preparing the research material for the 5th Wave of SHARE in Greece, SHARE-ERIC
  • 2008-2011: Country Survey Operator and Research Fellow, Preparing the 4th Wave of SHARE in Greece, SHARE-LIFE (Employment and Health at 50+: A Life History Approach to European Welfare State and Interventions), SHARE-PREP (Major Upgrade of the SHARE – Preparatory Phase) and SHARE-LEAP (Longitudinal Enhancement and Access Improvement of the SHARE Infrastructure), Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
  • 2010: Research Fellow, “SHARE Upgrade in Greece” in the ESFRI framework (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures), General Secretariat of Research and Technology
  • 2009-2010: Research Associate, “Expert Review and Proposals for Measurement of Health Inequalities in the European Union”, National Centre for Social Research
  • 2006-2008: Country Survey Operator and Research Fellow, SHARE-Ι3 (Integrated Infrastructures Initiatives) and COMPARE (Toolbox for Improving the Comparability of Cross-National Survey Data with Applications to SHARE, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
  • 2003-2005: Country Survey Operator and Research Assistant, SHARE, “50plus in Europe”, Regional Development Institute
  • 2003: Research Assistant, National Action Plan for Employment, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
  • 2003: Research Assistant, National Action Plan for Social Inclusion, Ministry of Health
  • 2002: Research Assistant, “Social transformations in Greece through the statistic evidence”, National Statistical Service of Greece
  • 2002: Member of Group of Experts, ESSPROS (European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics) & Social Insurance Organizations database creation and management, National Statistical Service of Greece
  • 2001: Research Assistant, ESSPROS update (European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics), National Statistical Service of Greece


  • Papadoudis, G. (2021) “A methodological approach of alternative cultural maps based on values”, Science and Society, Vol 40, pp. tbp (in Greek).
  • Demertzis, N. & Papadoudis, G. (2021) “Values and emotionality in the Greek political culture”, in Koniordos, S. (ed.) Values, Cultural Standards and Social Orientations in Modern Greece, pp. tbp, Athens: Gutenberg Printing & Publishing Company (in Greek).
  • Papadoudis, G. (2019) “Ageing population in Europe: The individual, the family and the welfare state”, Science and Society, Vol 39, pp. 95-128.
  • Lyberaki, A., Tinios, P., Papadoudis, G. and Georgiadis, T. (2019) “The economic crisis, fiscal austerity and long-term care: Responses of the care mix in three adjustment countries” In Börsch-Supan, A., Bristle, J., Andersen-Ranberg, K., Brugiavini, A., Jusot, F., Litwin, H., and Weber, G. (Eds.). Health and socioeconomic status over the life course: First results from SHARE waves 6 and 7, pp. 197-205, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
  • Papadoudis, G. (2018) “Multiple Discrimination and Inequalities: An Empirical Investigation” In Balourdos, D. & N. Sarris (Eds.) Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece: Promoting equality through active participation and policy making, pp. 213-233, Athens: ION Publishing Group & National Centre for Social Research.
  • Magoutas, A., Papadoudis, G., & Sfakianakis, G. (2018). “Determinants of profitability in the Greek tourism sector – assessing the effect of the crisis”, International Journal of Tourism Policy Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 65-72.
  • Lyberaki, A., Tinios, P., G. Papadoudis, and Georgiadis, T. (2017) “Do people with a different employment background age differently? European evidence from the SHARE survey”, Regional Science Inquiry Journal Vol. IX, (2), pp. 197-209.
  • Papadoudis, G., Papadogonas T. & Sfakianakis, G. (2016) “Old age deprivation and social exclusion in Europe: new evidence on an old issue”, International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. 34-41.
  • Magoutas, A., Papadoudis, G., & Sfakianakis, G. (2016) “The Financial Performance of Greek Hotels Before and During the Crisis”, Journal of Investment and Management, 5(6), pp. 189-192.
  • Papadogonas T., Papadoudis, G. & Sfakianakis, G., (2015) “Social exclusion among older people in Europe: a cross-country comparison”, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education, 08/2015, Greece, pp. 320-326.
  • Papadogonas T., Papadoudis, G. & Sfakianakis, G., (2013) “Ageing, Education and Socioeconomic Inequalities”, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of NHIBE, 08/2013, Greece, pp. 110-115.
  • Lyberaki, A. Tinios, P. & Papadoudis, G., (2013) Retrospective explanation of older women's lifetime work Involvement: individual paths around social norms, Advances in Life Course Research, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 26-45.
  • Sfakianakis, G. Magoutas, A & Papadoudis G., (2012) Determinants of Growth in OECD Countries Revisited, Management of International Business and Economic Systems (MIBES) Transactions International Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 66-77.
  • Lyberaki, A. Tinios, P. & Papadoudis, G., (2011) “A-Typical Work Patterns of Women in Europe: What can we learn from SHARELIFE?” In: A. Börsch-Supan, M. Brandt, K. Hank and M. Schröder (eds): "The Individual and the Welfare State. Life Histories in Europe", pp 137-149, Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Sfakianakis, G. Magoutas, A & Papadoudis G., (2011) “Human Capital and Growth in OECD Countries Revisited”, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education, 08/2011, Chios, Greece, pp. 173-178.
  • Papadoudis G (2009) “Income and wealth inequalities in SHARE countries”, in A. Lyberaki, A., T. Philalithis and P. Tinios (eds), Life 50+: Health, Ageing and Retirement in Greece and in Europe, Athens, Kritiki, 305-328 (in Greek).
  • Lyberaki, A., G., Papadoudis & Tinios, P. (2009) “Family cohesion and socioeconomic status”, in A. Lyberaki, A., T. Philalithis and P. Tinios (eds), Life 50+: Health, Ageing and Retirement in Greece and in Europe, Athens, Kritiki, 347-370 (in Greek).


  • 2016-2021: Professor-Advisor in the courses of “Public Finance”, Public Administration Department & “Economic Analysis and Policy”, Business Administration Department, School of Social Sciences, Hellenic Open University.
  • 2013-2014: Visiting Assistant Professor in the courses of “Economic Analysis” & “National Economy and European Regional Policy”, Department of Logistics, Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.
  • 2013: Visiting Assistant Professor in the course of “Greek Economy”, Department of Business Administration, Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.
  • 2013: Lecturer in the course of "Research Methodology", National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government.
  • 2011-2012: Adjunct Lecturer in the courses of "Public Finance" & “National Economy”, Department of Regional Economic Development, University of Central Greece.
  • 2012: Visiting Assistant Professor in the course of "International Economic Relations", Department of Accounting, Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.
  • 2010-2011: Visiting Assistant Professor in the course of "Macroeconomic Analysis", Marketing Department, Technological Educational Institute of Athens.
  • 2010-2011: Visiting Assistant Professor in the courses of "Macroeconomics" & "International Economic Relations", Department of Accounting, Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.