Applied Researcher
Nikos Sarris

Political scientist University of Athens, LLB, University of Thrace, M.A in International Relations and Strategic Studies University of Lancaster. Since 1994 Researcher in the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE). Advocate, member of Athens Association Bar. Author of books “Introduction to Law and Basics of Civil Law” (1993), “European Integration” (1993), monograph “The institutional framework of Immigration in European and National level” (2008) and editor of books “Vulnerable Social Groups and discrimination in the labour market” (ed.) (2014), “Integration of Migrants in Greece Today: Perceptions, Policies and Practices” (ed.) (2012), “Issues of Immigration and Immigration Policy in Contemporary Greece” (ed.) (2009). He has participated in many conferences, seminars and workshops and he has written many papers in collective volumes and conference proceedings.
- Research interests in the area of European integration, immigration, discrimination, policies and political analysis
- Μember of the Board of Directors of the National Centre for Social Research
- Coordinator of the Register Committee of the National Centre for Social Research
- Member of the publicity committee of the National Centre for Social Research
- Coordinator of the Educational Activities' Committee of the National Centre for Social Research
- Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece: Delivering equality by active exploration and enabling policy interventions
- Combating Discrimination in the Field of Entrepreneurship: Women and young Roma and Muslim immigrants
- From reception to integration: migrant populations in Greece during and in the aftermath of the crisis
- Sarris, N. (2022). ‘The Influence of Institutional Framework on Local Community Schemes in the Period of Economic Crisis 2011-2013: The Example of the Municipality of Athens’. In G. Tsobanoglou, A. Kokkinou (eds) Sustaining Communities: Prospects and Challenges. New York, Nova Publishingarris, N. (2018). The Legislative Framework for Tackling Multiple Discrimination in Greece: Theoretical Approach, Best Practices and Results from Surveys. In D. Balourdos and N. Sarris (eds.) Tackling Multiple Discrimination in Greece (pp. 61-103). Athens, EKKE-Ion Publishing Group
- Sarris, N. (2018). The Legislative Framework for Tackling Multiple Discrimination in Greece: Theoretical Approach, Best Practices and Results from Surveys. In D. Balourdos and N. Sarris (eds.) Tackling Multiple Discrimination in Greece (pp. 61-103). Athens, EKKE-Ion Publishing Group(2016). Can the emergence of the civil society in Greece substitute the lack of confidence in representative institutions and contribute to a better quality of democracy and governance in a period of crisis? Ιn F. Saccà (ed.), Globalization and new socio-political trends, La Critica 5, Roma, Eurilink, pp. 213-232
- Sarris, N. (2016). Can the emergence of the civil society in Greece substitute the lack of confidence in representative institutions and contribute to a better quality of democracy and governance in a period of crisis? Ιn F. Saccà (ed.), Globalization and new socio-political trends, La Critica 5, Roma, Eurilink, pp. 213-232
- Sarris N. (2014). Evaluation of the legislative framework for combating discrimination in Greece and in the European Union, with emphasis on discrimination in the labour market. In D. Balourdos, M. Chrysakis, N. Sarris, A. Tramountanis and K. Tsantila (eds.) Combating discrimination in the Greek labour market (pp. 181-231). Athens, EKKE-Papazisis, N. (2022). ‘The Influence of Institutional Framework on Local Community Schemes in the Period of Economic Crisis 2011-2013: The Example of the Municipality of Athens’. In G. Tsobanoglou, A. Kokkinou (eds) Sustaining Communities: Prospects and Challenges. New York, Nova Publishing
- Lecturer in university tuition centre for candidates students of National School of Public Administration. Courses taught: Organization and Functioning of State, Public Administration