National Plan for Open Science:Task Force for Open Science

"This report proposes a series of goals, commitments, policies and actions for the adoption of Open Science in Greece. It is intended to serve as a reference point for national policy makers towards the establishment of a national strategy for Open Science, assist national organizations in embracing Open Science principles, and ensure national alignment with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The report has been prepared by the 'Open Science Task Force', a collaborative bottom-up initiative of eleven national academic & research organizations and twenty-six research infrastructures & civic initiatives. EKKE and SoDaNet were among institutions and research infrastructures to be part of the Task Force"
  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Athanasiou S.; Amiridis V ; Gavriilidou M; Gerasopoulos E.; Dimopoulos A.; Kaklamani G; Karagiannis F.; Klampanos I.; Kondili D.; Koumantaros K.; Konstantopoulos P.; Lenaki K.; Likiardopoulos A.; Manola N;Mitropoulou D; Benardou M;Boukos N.; Nousias A.; Ntaountaki M; Oikouta S; Ollandezou L; Papadopoulou E.; Papastamatiou I.; Piperidis S; Speyer O.; Tsiavos P; Chrysina E.; Psomopoulos F. (2020).National Plan for Open Science.DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3908953
  • YEAR: 2020
  • TYPE: Working Papers