Health inequalities among migrant and native-born population in Greece in times of crisis: The MIGHEAL study.

With the aim of investigating the social consequences of the ongoing economic crisis in Greece, this article presents the new MIGHEAL survey which was developed in parallel with the European Social Survey (ESS) round 7, and some of its initial findings. The survey was conducted in Greece in 2016, and was specifically designed to further our understanding of how health and its social determinants vary by social status focusing particularly on migrant status. In this article, we report the health status (self-reported health and depressive symptoms) and their determinants (relating to health care) among native Greeks and migrants stratified by gender.  

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Stathopoulou, T., Stornes, P., Mouriki, A., Kostaki, A., Cavounidis, J., Avrami, L., Landet, E., Balah, M., & Eikemo, A.T.,
  • ΕΤΟΣ: 2018
  • ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΑ: Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
  • ΓΛΩΣΣΑ: Αγγλικά