Κοινωνική μίξη, σημερινές χρήσεις και ταυτότητες 4 κεντρικών πλατειών της Αθήνας μετά την ανάπλασή τους, μέσα από την αντίληψη των χρηστών τους

The paper aims to present, evaluate and discuss the main findings of a qualitative survey concerning the views of a special group of users on the redevelopment projects of selected public spaces, as well as their perception of the regenerated public spaces themselves and the open public space in general. The following issues are explored and assessed: 

- The development of commercial and business activities and services concerning the public and private uses of the squares within the central city area, in relation to the redevelopment projects as well the recent economic and refugee crisis, so as to evaluate the effects according to their different causes.

- Τhe perception and the way of identification of the squares’ areas of integration into the current local social tissue.

- The current use of the squares according to the activities observed, their frequency and the categories of the users, as well as the assessment of these changes over time.  

- The main problems of the squares, their advantages and disadvantages in relation to their redevelopment and the specific relations of the respondents with them. 

- The attitude of the respondents regarding their participation in the consultation process on urban design issues of both the public space where their workplace is located and their surrounding area.

  • ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕIΣ: Καλλισθένη Αβδελίδη, Αθηνά Βιτοπούλου
  • ΕΤΟΣ: 2019
  • ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΑ: Συμβολές σε πρακτικά συνεδρίων
  • ΓΛΩΣΣΑ: Αγγλικά