Greek Youth and Europe: Identity, goals and the future of Europe - Synopsis & Highlights

The survey "Young people and Europe: How young people perceive Europe and their identity within it – Sustainable Development Goals and young people" aims to explore the identity of young Greeks, their expectations from Europe and the way their national and European identity is formed. It is an initiative under the European Year of Youth 2022 and focuses on the following thematic areas:

  1. National and European identity
  2. Joint European experiences
  3. Greece in Europe
  4. Entitativity
  5. Climate change
  6. Environment and climate
  7. Digital transition and rights
  8. European Youth Strategy
  • ΣΥΝΤΕΛΕΣΤΕΣ: Katerina Iliou, Manina Kakepaki, Nicolas Klironomos
  • ΕΤΟΣ: 2022
  • ΤΥΠΟΣ: Συνοπτική Αναφορά
  • ΓΛΩΣΣΑ: Αγγλικά